Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations

10 Best Camp Locations in Fallout 76

Picking the best camp locations in Fallout 76 is a crucial part of this action-adventure RPG available on Steam. Each campsite in the game has its unique challenges and benefits. Before you start hunting Snallygasters or explore apocalyptic West Virginia with Dogmeat, finding ideal Fallout 76 camp locations should be your top priority.

A lot has changed in Bethesda’s popular spinoff since it first came out in 2018, including the camping system, with ready-made prefabs and items players can use to create their base.

With that in mind, here are the 10 best camp locations in Fallout 76 to help you stay alive and thrive.

Best Camp Locations in Fallout 76

10. Morgantown Trainyard

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The Morgantown Trainyard Camp is a great spot with everything players need. Located west of the trainyard in the Appalachian Forest, it offers resources that are useful for lower-level players. Its proximity to Morgantown makes it easy to interact with other survivors and manage resources while balancing available resources with potential threats.

Lots of Low-Level Player TrafficHigh Chance of Enemy Attacks
Easy To Build A Base That Fits Into Its SurroundingsNot Much Flat Terrain To Build off
Plenty of ResourcesNot Much Here For High-Level Players

9. The Noose Tree

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The Noose Tree camp has a creepy, horror movie feel. The spooky atmosphere, with hanging nooses and a skeleton, appeals to survivors looking for a unique spot. The flat terrain makes building easy, and the camp’s location in the Toxic Valley provides access to loot and supplies, making it one of the best camp locations in Fallout 76.

Breathtaking ViewsBuilding Here Can Be A Bit Buggy
Pretty Flat Terrain For BuildingNot A Lot of Player Traffic
Not A Lot of Enemies AroundThe Nearby Sensor Can Interfere With Building

8. The Seneca Rock Bridge

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The Seneca Rock Bridge, with its scenic cabins and high elevation, offers safety from below. Its beautiful surroundings make it a favorite. This spot is also good for getting water and defending against enemies while providing free fast travel options.

Stunning LandscapeA Tricky Location To Build In
Little To No Enemy InterferencePlayers Can Spawn Under The Base
It’s A Large Area To BuildPlayers Can Fall Off And Die Easily
Very Few Players Build HereNot Many Resources

7. Mole Miner Tunnel

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

Building in the Mole Miner Tunnel is unique due to its cool, open landscape and underground tunnels. These tunnels add depth to a player’s base and offer safety from attacks. To get the most out of this camp, careful planning is required to navigate the interconnected caverns.

Allows Players To Build Fun And Unique BasesA Little Out of The Way
Open LandscapeGets Attacked Fairly Frequently

6. Lake on the Mountain

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The Lake on the Mountain is a famous and peaceful camping spot. While enemies don’t spawn often, they can be tough when they do. This makes it less ideal for low-level players, but it offers a balance between tranquility and the constant risks of Fallout 76.

Fun For A Water BuildBuilding on Water Can Be Tricky
Plenty of ResourcesThe Potential For Tough Enemy Attacks
A Decent Amount of Player TrafficNot Ideal For Low-Level Players

5. EL-B1-02 Relay Tower

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The EL-B1-02 Relay Tower is another great camp option. It features flat ground, access to water and food, and easy defense against threats. The area has good visibility, making it easier to spot incoming dangers, and with a few well-placed turrets, defending the camp is straightforward.

Lots of Players Travel Through This RegionLots of Other Players Build Here
A Fairly Flat LandscapeProne To Enemy Attacks
Good Location For Free Fast TravelNot The Best Views

4. North of Greg’s Mine Supply

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

North of Greg’s Mine Supply is a large, flat area in the forest, perfect for building. While frequent attacks occur, the enemies are usually manageable. This spot is great for building a camouflage-style base or creating a roadside diner or shopping center.

The Forest Region is Aesthetically PleasingNot A Lot Here For High-Level Players
Lots of Flat LandAttacks Can Happen Fairly Frequently
Not A Lot of Players Build HereNot A Lot of Player Traffic

3. North of Whitespring Station

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

The area around Whitespring Station is one of the most popular places to build in Fallout 76. Many players use it as a central trading post, attracting lots of visitors to your base. With the ability to own more than one CAMP, it’s easier to manage this prime location, making it a great spot to set up shop and sell items.

Lots of Player TrafficQuite A Lot of Competition For Build Space
Attacks Aren’t Very FrequentThere Are Already Free Fast Travel Points Nearby
The Train Track Can Be Incorporated Into The BuildNot A Lot of Large Structures To Incorporate Into A Build

2. New Gad

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

New Gad is a Super Mutant-infested area with lots of plain, flat land. It’s great for players who want to build quickly using prefabs. Although Super Mutants attack often, well-placed turrets can handle them. However, resources are scarce, so it might not be the best for resource-heavy builders.

Lots of WaterFrequent Super Mutant Attacks
A Good Free Central Fast Travel LocationAside From Water, Not A Lot of Resources
A Lot of Flat LandCan Be Seen As A Bit Boring

1. Whitespring Golf Course

Best camp locations in fallout 76 Fallout 76 camp locations
Image Source: Bethesda

Whitespring Golf Course is a prime camp location in Fallout 76. It’s central, scenic, and relatively safe due to Whitespring Robots handling most threats. This makes it a popular spot, though it’s not ideal for low-level players due to frequent attacks from Ghouls.

A Very Popular Place For Players To VisitLots of Players Build Here
Whitespring Robots Can Help Ward off EnemiesHigh Chance of Enemy Attacks
Lots of Flat LandNot A Lot of Resources
Nice Views of Pre-War AppalachiaPlayers Often Nuke This Area

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