In Fallout 76‘s Appalachian wastelands, players encounter a lot of really weird creatures, including the fearsome Anglers. Despite its menacing look, there’s a reason why you should be looking for Angler locations in Fallout 76. These large, bipedal anglerfish maybe formidable adversaries but are great sources of rare crafting materials. But where to find Anglers in Fallout 76?
With the recent revival of Fallout 76, thanks in part to the hit Amazon Prime series, now is the best time to visit Vault 76 and explore Appalachia, as you rekindle your love for this misunderstood spinoff from the popular franchise. For players looking to hunt Anglers efficiently, here’s our guide on how to find them.

Angler Locations in Fallout 76
Knowing where to find Anglers in Fallout 76 is key. Anglers tend to inhabit specific areas, particularly in the Mire region on the eastern edge of the map.

One reliable location to encounter Anglers is the Gnarled Shallows, a swampy area northeast of Abbie’s Bunker at the northern tip of the Mire. Head northeast from the bunker and follow the river until reaching a large pond, where up to three Anglers may lurk.

Another hotspot for Anglers is around Thunder Mountain Substation TM-01, situated west of the Super Mutant-occupied town of Harper’s Ferry. Here, players may encounter groups of three Anglers patrolling the area.
While some predetermined spawn points may not always harbor Anglers, players can check Pylon V-13, a power substation east of the Abandoned Bog Town workshop. Behind the pylon, up to three Anglers may appear, though other creatures like Mirelurk Hunters or Snallygasters could also be present.

A Quick Way of Coming Face-to-Face With An Angler
A surefire way to encounter numerous Anglers is by participating in the Moonshine Jamboree event, located just south of Substation TM-01. During this event, players must defend three moonshine stills from waves of Gulpers, Feral Ghouls, and Anglers. However, be prepared for intense combat and bring your best weapons.
What to do with Angler Remains?
Aside from being valuable sources of Adhesives, Anglers drop Raw Asbestos, essential for crafting certain chemicals and armor mods. Moreover, Angler Meat can be cooked into Poached Angler, a consumable that boosts max AP by 20 for 30 minutes. Upon acquiring Angler Meat for the first time, players automatically unlock the recipe for the dish.
Bethesda’s 2018 Fallout spin-off still holds up in terms of story and gameplay despite its initial hiccups. Now with the Amazon series, the game has found a resurgence in popularity. Fallout 76 is currently available on Steam as well as on both Playstation and Xbox.
If you’re interested in hunting down more bizarre creations on Fallout 76, check out our guide on Deathclaws. For more Fallout-related content, stay posted to RetroNoob.