Floyd secret fight in mortal kombat 1 Secret fight in MK1

How to Find the Floyd Secret Fight in Mortal Kombat 1: Explained

If you’re done with all the chapters in Street Fighter 6 or playing Tekken, you might want to try the Floyd secret fight in Mortal Kombat 1. Yes, the MK franchise has been a bit lackluster recently, but NetherRealm’s iconic fighting game is trending once again thanks to Pink Floyd of all people, and no we’re not talking about the British band but a pink ninja called Floyd. This secret fight in MK1 has fans excited again as it unlocks exclusive rewards.

But how do you find the Floyd secret fight in Mortal Kombat 1? How many times can you fight him? And what exactly do you do to unlock it? Let’s break it all down.

Activating The Floyd Secret Fight in Mortal Kombat 1

Floyd secret fight in mortal kombat 1 Secret fight in MK1
Image Source: NRS

Activating a Floyd secret fight in Mortal Kombat 1 isn’t easy. It requires solving specific challenges, “klues,” and a bit of luck. Here’s what you need to know about this secret fight in MK1:

  • Random Spawn: Floyd can randomly appear during ladder or versus matches. The more klues you solve, the higher your chances of encountering him.
  • Floyd Notifications: Completing certain klues will trigger a guitar solo. These cool riffs are hints that you’re getting closer to finding him.
  • Active Klues: Once Floyd appears on a stage, he’ll give you an active klue to solve during that match.
  • Random Progression: The number of klues and hints needed to find Floyd varies for each player. Some players might find him after solving just two klues, while others may need to complete six or more.
  • Guaranteed Spawn: If you play 400 ladder matches, Floyd is guaranteed to appear.
  • Counter Resets: After Floyd appears and gives you a challenge, the notification counter resets.

Once you’ve solved enough klues and completed the challenges, Floyd will appear on the stage where the Kombat Pack 1 characters were first introduced.

All 37 Klues to Find Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1

Floyd secret fight in mortal kombat 1 Secret fight in MK1
Image Source: NRS

To find Floyd, you’ll need to complete specific challenges. These klues are not in any particular order, and some are easier than others. Here’s the full list:

Total DisrespectSuccessfully perform 4 taunts without attacking.
Jumping Gets You NowhereWin a match without jumping even once.
Klean SweepWin a match using 13 successful sweeps (Back + Circle/B).
Get Over Here AlreadyDefeat Scorpion as Scorpion and perform a Fatality at the end.
Flipping OutFlip stance 16 times using L2 and win the match.
Up and AwayPerform exactly 5 uppercuts and win the match.
No Elder GodGet the first hit against Raiden in a match.
I Make The RulesGet 2 Flawless Victories with Liu Kang.
No LunaGet 2 Flawless Victories as Reptile.
Fire & IceDeal 400 damage in a combo as Scorpion with Sub-Zero as your Kameo.
Ice & FirePlay as Sub-Zero with Scorpion as your Kameo and perform a 5-hit combo.
Perfect KouplePlay as Johnny Cage with Sonya Blade as your Kameo and get 2 Flawless Victories.
Get The HornsPlay as Shao Kahn with Motaro as your Kameo and hit Fatal Blow.
Hip Hop 4 EverJump 22 times and win the match.
Yeet!!!Win a match after throwing your opponent exactly 7 times.
This Is Where You Fall DownLose to Johnny Cage with exactly 9 seconds left on the timer.
Timed OutLose a match by running out of time.
You Suck!Lose to Shao Kahn when he has only 1% HP left.
I’m Down TooSpam uppercuts and possibly end the match with an uppercut Brutality.
Fists of FuryWin a match using only punches.
Kicking ItWin a match using only kicks.
Sans JadeWin using only front kicks.
Losing Is WinningLose a match without hitting your opponent even once.
Keep Kalm And FinishLose the first round without pressing a button, then win rounds 2 and 3.
Demonic DuoPlay as Ashrah with Sareena as your Kameo and use Jataaka’s Blessing to refill your super meter.
Frosty!!!Use Sub-Zero’s Kameo move to freeze yourself, then let the enemy attack and get frozen.
Toasty!!!Play as Scorpion with Scorpion as your Kameo and use Flame Aura 3 times in a match.
Ka BallinPlay as Mileena and hit the opponent with Ball Roll 7 times.
Hat TrickPlay as Kung Lao with Kung Lao as your Kameo and use all hat-related moves.
Fatal FinishPerform Fatalities with 5 different characters.
You Finish Yet?Perform 5 Fatalities with a single character.
Inner BeastFinish 2 opponents with Animality using the same character.
Door BusterComplete the Test Your Might challenge in Chapter 5 of the story.
Climb The PyramidReplay Chapter 15 and reach the top of the pyramid. Defeat the Deadly Alliance.
Challenge AcceptedEarn 20 points from Towers of Time challenges.
Quest KeeperComplete 2 daily challenges.

What Do You Unlock by Beating Floyd in MK1?

If you’re lucky enough to find and defeat Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1, you’ll unlock:

  1. New Stage: You’ll unlock the stage where the Kombat Pack 1 characters were first revealed. It has an open, Tekken-style design.
  2. Pink Color Palettes: Scorpion and Sub-Zero Kameo characters will get pink color palettes, making them look like Floyd.

The Floyd secret fight in Mortal Kombat 1 is one of the most exciting Easter eggs that has certainly revived the franchise. Here’s hoping NRS continues to add more engaging Easter eggs and exciting DLC content for the game. For more MK1 content, stay tuned to RetroNoob.

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