GI joe game Atomic arcade Hasbro video games

Hasbro is Making a GI Joe Game With Atomic Arcade

Looks like world-renowned toy makers are ready to make a GI Joe game, after the overwhelming success of Baldur’s Gate 3. Hasbro video games are starting with an untitled action-adventure game being developed by the company’s internal studio, Atomic Arcade. Hasbro is stepping into the AAA gaming arena with a GI Joe game featuring the iconic character Snake Eyes. This venture is being developed by the North Carolina-based studio, and led by former developers from Rocksteady, the very team behind the critically-acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum.

The decision to dive into the gaming world comes after the success of Baldur’s Gate 3, owned by Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro. With Baldur’s Gate 3 garnering numerous awards and accolades, Hasbro sees an opportunity to expand its gaming presence and capitalize on fan-favorite franchises.

GI joe game Atomic arcade Hasbro video games
Image Source: Hasbro

Hasbro Video Games – A $1 Billion Investment

Dan Ayoub, head of digital product development at Wizards of the Coast, revealed Hasbro’s ambitious plans and investment in video game development. He stated,

“Hasbro is in fact making videogames…we have a considerable investment in our studio structure; we’ve got over $1 billion in games right now being developed.”

Among its upcoming projects, GI Joe stands out as a significant endeavor to revitalize the franchise.

A GI Joe Game With Atomic Arcade and Arkham Asylum Devs!

According to Ayoub, the game will not be your usual GI Joe experience. Instead, it aims to offer a fresh perspective on the beloved franchise, presenting Snake Eyes in a way that fans have never seen before. Here’s hoping the game is nothing like the bland Hollywood films based on the series. With Atomic Arcade at the helm, the goal is to deliver an innovative gaming experience that redefines the GI Joe IP, much like Arkham Asylum did for Batman.

GI joe game Atomic arcade Hasbro video games
Image Source: Hasbro

While specific details about gameplay and design remain undisclosed, the involvement of former Rocksteady developers suggests a focus on combat and stealth elements.

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