Once human acid farm How to farm acid in once human

How to Farm Acid in Once Human: Explained

Collecting Acid is crucial for crafting key items, but it’s not always easy to find. Like most games, you have to farm valuable items, which is why players want to know all about Once Human Acid farm techniques. Acid is used to make ammo and weapons in Starry Studio’s apocalyptic survival game, which are crucial for combat in both PvP (Player vs. Player) and PvE (Player vs. Environment).

Here’s a detailed guide on how to farm Acid in Once Human.

Once Human Acid Farm Techniques

Once human acid farm How to farm acid in once human
Image Source: Starry Studio

There are three main ways to farm Acid in Once Human:

  1. Manually Extract Acid
  2. Build Stardust Farms
  3. Pump Water

Manual Extraction

Manual extraction is the best way to farm Acid. You can collect large amounts of Acid, and some of the best places for this are available early in the game.

Stardust Farms

The second method involves building Stardust farms and converting Stardust to Acid. This conversion takes some time but is a good way to farm Acid passively. You can set up a Stardust farm in the game’s later stages by taking control of oil refineries, which is an end-game activity.

Pumping Water

The third method requires building bases near polluted water bodies. You pump contaminated water from these areas to get Impure Acid. Then, build a Fermentation Barrel to convert this Impure Acid to normal Acid. This conversion process takes the longest but is one of the best ways to farm Acid passively.

Best Places to Farm Acid

Here are some of the best places to farm Acid in Once Human:

  • Brookham
  • High Banks
  • Holt Town


Once human acid farm How to farm acid in once human
Image Source: Starry Studio

Brookham is the best place to farm Acid when you’re early in the game and less experienced. Located in the north of the Wetlands region, the recommended level is 8, making it a beginner-friendly location.

You can collect about 60 to 200 Acid per hour here. Look for areas with lots of enemies, like the Church and Gas Station. Be careful of Elite enemies, as they can be very tough.

High Banks

Once human acid farm How to farm acid in once human
Image Source: Starry Studio

As you level up, explore High Banks, a settlement in Broken Delta. The recommended level here is 14, so you’ll need better armor and weapons to protect yourself. High Banks is less crowded than Brookham, making it a peaceful place to farm Acid. With good gear, you can collect about 80 to 200 Acid per hour.

Holt Town

Once human acid farm How to farm acid in once human
Image Source: Starry Studio

Holt Town is the toughest place to farm Acid in Once Human. It’s near Chalk Town, and the recommended level is 30, so you need top-tier loot. Reaching level 30 takes time, but once you’re there, you can collect about 200 to 300 Acid per hour.

Tips on How to Farm Acid in Once Human Efficiently

Traveling to these locations will need a lot of fuel for your bike, so make sure to stock up. Alternatively, you can build multiple bases to travel between points, saving a lot of time.

That’s everything you need to know about farming Acid in Once Human. Follow these tips and methods to ensure you always have enough Acid for crafting and combat.

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