Once human shadow hound location Shadow hound location in once human

Once Human: Shadow Hound Location & Boss Guide

You’re either very brave or just crazy to be searching for the Once Human Shadow Hound location. The Shadow Hound is a tough boss in Starry Studios’ open-world RPG, known for its terrifying appearance and deadly attacks, that won’t go down easy even if you wield the mighty Masamune katana. This beast is no deviant companion you can befriend, it’s a large, corrupted dog with a menacing grin and can move at incredible speeds while shooting lasers from its mouth.

This guide will help you find the Shadow Hound location in Once Human and give you some pointers on how to defeat it.

Once Human Shadow Hound Location

Once human shadow hound location Shadow hound location in once human
Image Source: Starry Studios

The Once Human Shadow Hound location is simple. You will encounter the Shadow Hound during the Level 32 quest In The Tall Grass. This boss is found in the fourth Monolith, located in Chalk Peak at coordinates (1735, -4882). Upon arrival, you must complete a brief minigame involving Klein. In this minigame, you navigate a maze-like area and shoot three hallucinations of Klein, which appear randomly. This task can be time-consuming, but once completed, you can proceed to face the Shadow Hound.

How to Beat the Shadow Hound

Once human shadow hound location Shadow hound location in once human
Image Source: Starry Studios

The Shadow Hound in Once Human is a challenging boss, and despite the quest’s Level 32 recommendation, the boss itself is Level 40. Here’s how to prepare and fight it effectively:


  1. Spring Legs Antibiotics: This item is crucial for dodging the Shadow Hound’s attacks, particularly when it charges at you.
  2. Activators: Make sure these are easily accessible in your Hotbar for quick use during the fight.
  3. Deviation from the Cradle: Choose a Deviant that suits your playstyle. The Zeno-Purifier is a good option.

The Arena

When you enter the arena, you’ll notice two portals on either side. These portals can teleport you from one side of the arena to the other, which helps avoid the Shadow Hound’s attacks. Before engaging the boss, take a Spring Legs Antibiotic to increase your agility.

First Two Health Bars

During the first phase, the Shadow Hound uses several attacks:

  1. Charge Attack: The Shadow Hound charges at you, causing significant damage. Dodge this by diving out of the way.
  2. Projectile Attack: It jumps and shoots three projectiles at you. You can evade these by jumping just before they land.
  3. Vacuum Slam: The Shadow Hound leaps, spins, and pulls you in before slamming down. Run away from it to avoid damage.
  4. Laser Beam: It opens its mouth and shoots a laser across half the arena. Stay mobile to avoid this attack.

Second Two Health Bars

In the second phase, the attacks remain the same, but the boss becomes more aggressive:

  1. Shoulder Mouths: The Shadow Hound grows additional mouths on its shoulders. Shoot these to prevent them from causing further damage.
  2. Duskorbs: Floating above the Shadow Hound, these orbs must be shot down to avoid additional damage.

Last Two Health Bars

The final phase is slightly easier:

  1. Spinning Attack: The Shadow Hound jumps and spins, releasing a burst of energy. This attack deals a lot of damage, so avoid it by keeping your distance.
  2. Focus Fire: While the boss is spinning, concentrate your attacks on it until its health is depleted.

Reward For Slaying the Shadow Hound

Defeating the Shadow Hound gives you a chance to obtain the Muramasa katana, a valuable weapon in the game.

In short, the Shadow Hound is a tough boss, but with the right preparation and strategy, you can defeat it and earn powerful rewards. Remember to use the tips in this guide to navigate the fight successfully. For more helpful Once Human guides, stay tuned to RetroNoob.

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