Are you wondering where to find Rose’s storage key in Dead Island 2? Need help to figure out the elusive Dead Island 2 Rose’s storage key location around Los Angeles? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to find that pesky key and unlock the unique Black Magic baseball bat weapon so you can wipe the floor with those annoying zombies.
With Dambuster Studio’s popular zombie-bashing game celebrating its April 22 Steam launch with a 50% discount, now is the perfect time to play Dead Island 2 as you scour the streets of Los Angeles, finding new and insane weapons to fend off the zombie hoard. One weapon that every Dead Island gamer wants is the Black Magic baseball bat, but to find it, you’ll first need Rose’s storage key.
Where to Find Rose’s Storage Key in Dead Island 2?
Among the many locked containers scattered throughout Dead Island 2, Rose’s storage box is one everyone wants but before you can get your hands on it, you’ll first need to find Rose.

Finding Rose: The Key to Success
To obtain Rose’s storage key, players must first locate the zombie named Rose. Rose is a Level 17 Screamer special infected who can be found near the Sewers entrance. However, getting her to spawn may require some patience and strategy.
One approach is to locate the storage container first and then backtrack to Rose’s location. If Rose hasn’t spawned yet, try fast traveling to a different location and returning. Alternatively, completing The Giant-Slayer main story quest, available in a nearby safehouse, may trigger Rose’s appearance.

Once Rose has been located and defeated, players can retrieve the key from her corpse. Approach the pool of blood to pick up Rose’s storage keys.
Dead Island 2 Rose’s Storage Keys Location
Rose’s storage box is located near the entrance point of the sewers in Venice Beach. Look for a store with a shutter at the end of the road leading into Venice Beach. This is where you’ll find the locked container containing the Black Magic weapon.

Unlocking Rose’s Storage Box
With the key in hand, return to the store where Rose’s storage box is located. Interact with the shutter button to open the store and access the container. Inside, you’ll find the coveted Black Magic baseball bat, ready to be added to your arsenal.

By following this guide, players can successfully locate Rose’s storage box key and unlock the powerful Black Magic weapon in Dead Island 2. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or a newcomer to the series, mastering the art of scavenging and exploration is key to surviving the zombie-infested streets of Los Angeles. Good luck on your quest, and may your swings be swift and your aim true!
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