Monster hunter Wilds weapon

Which Weapon is Right for You in Monster Hunter Wilds: All You Need to Know

Once you’ve adjusted your PC settings, it’s time to pick the best Monster Hunter Wilds weapon. While slightly different than Monster Hunter World, choosing the right weapon can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the series. With so many options, each offering unique playstyles, it’s important to find the one that suits you best.

Whether you’re a veteran or a first-time hunter, this guide will help you decide which Monster Hunter Wilds weapon is the perfect fit for your playstyle.

Finding The Right Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon

Instead of bombarding you with a quiz, we’ve broken down the weapons into three categories: the easiest to use, the “kind-of-easy” ones, and the more challenging but rewarding options. Let’s dive in.

The Easiest Weapons to Use

If you’re new to Monster Hunter Wilds or the series in general, these weapons are great starting points. They’re simple to learn, effective in combat, and don’t require mastering complex mechanics.

Sword and Shield

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Sword and Shield is the perfect beginner weapon. It’s versatile, offering both slashing and blunt damage, and comes with a shield for excellent defense. You can block attacks and even perform a counter if you time it right.

Long Sword

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Long Sword is another beginner-friendly weapon, especially in Monster Hunter Wilds. Its gameplay revolves around building up a Spirit Gauge by landing combos. Once the gauge is full, you can unleash a powerful Crimson combo, a new addition in Wilds.


Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

For those who prefer ranged combat, the Bow is an excellent choice. In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Bow introduces tracer shots, which make your arrows hone in on a specific spot. The Bow also has simple combos and deals consistent damage from a safe distance.

The ‘Kind-of-Easy’ Weapons

These weapons are slightly more tricky but still manageable with a bit of practice. They’re great for players who want to experiment with more advanced mechanics without diving into the deep end.

Dual Blades

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Dual Blades are fast and flashy, perfect for players who want to deal quick damage. They’re great for inflicting status effects and have a unique Demon Mode that boosts your attack speed and unlocks deadlier combos. However, managing your stamina while in Demon Mode can be tricky.

Great Sword

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Great Sword is all about timing and patience. It’s a slow weapon, but its charged attacks deal massive damage. You’ll need to learn a monster’s movements to land your hits at the right moment.


Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Hammer is a destructive weapon that focuses on blunt damage, making it great for stunning monsters. You can charge it up to three levels and unleash powerful attacks. While it’s faster than the Great Sword, it still requires good timing to land your hits effectively.

Heavy Bowgun

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Heavy Bowgun is a ranged weapon that packs a punch. It has versatile Special Ammo options, allowing you to deal massive damage or even counter certain attacks. However, it’s slower and more tricky than the Bow.

The ‘Highly Satisfying’ Weapons

These weapons are incredibly rewarding once mastered, but they’re not ideal for newbies.


Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Lance is a defensive weapon with excellent reach and counterattacks. However, its combos are some of the trickiest in the game, making it hard to master.


Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Gunlance is a mix of melee and explosive attacks. It’s one of the most powerful weapons in the game, but it requires managing gauges, ammo, and melee combos all at once.

Charge Blade

Monster hunter Wilds weapon
Image Source: Capcom

The Charge Blade is one of the most technical weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds. It has two modes: a sword and shield mode for building energy and an axe mode for unleashing powerful attacks.

Hopefully, this will help you figure out which Monster Hunter Wilds weapon is right for you. For more Monster Hunter Wilds content, stay tuned to RetroNoob.

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