While picking a character in developer miHoYo’s action RPG, players can usually use it in combat and get the best build out of their kit after a complete upgrade. However, Genshin Impact Arlecchino is a bit different. Every once in a while, a character comes along with a very complicated kit that if not used properly, can go underutilized. This is why a few Genshin Impact Arlecchino tips can go a long way.
Arlecchino is a five-star Pryo Polearm Fatui Harbinger. Even though the game already has a Bond of Life mechanic, she is the first playable character who can use it to deliver greater damage to opponents, but you will have to manage a few things perfectly with her to get the best out of her.

Genshin Impact Arlecchino Tips
Here are 5 pro/advanced tips for Genshin Impact Arleechino:
Timed Burst
The first and foremost important tip about Arlecchino is to not go crazy with her Elemental Burst all the time. This works for most characters but not Arlecchino as you have to time the Burst to perfect and use it at a very specific moment.

Read her Elemental Burst’s description and you’ll discover that she not only absorbs all the surrounding Directives but all her current Bond of Life to heal herself. The only way to get the best out of her Burst is when her Skill is on cooldown and you got at least 40 percent of her Bond of Life.
Genshin Impact Arlecchino Needs a Shielder
Since Arlecchino can only heal herself by Elemental Burst during combat, you have to get shielders, especially if you’re going up against the Spiral Abyss, which means you’ll go up against a lot of single-target bosses. The overall damage Arlecchino takes during these battles from bosses is far more than any small mob in the game. So, get SHIELDERS pronto.

Arleechino is Not Like Other DPS Characters
While most DPS units get a buffed state, which can go away if you switch to another character, that’s not the case with Arleechino as her buffed state can last a long long time. Even if you take her off the field, her Bond of Life doesn’t disappear. Unless you accidentally heal her, Arleechino’s Bond of Life can be kept for an infinite amount of time.
Her First Constellation is Way Better than Any of Her Weapons
If you’re not a heavy spender or have been saving up the Primogems and are looking to spend big on Arleechino, then you have two options. You can either get her weapons and risk 240 pulls, or you can her constellation, which takes 180 pulls. Now that’s a bargain.

Arleechino’s first constellation has more value than any weapon. Unless you want that exclusive scythe design, there’s no point in getting a weapon. Although, you can do a lot of damage if you’re able to afford both the first constellation and the scythe.
Don’t Use Up Her Directives Quickly
If you consume Arleechino’s Directive within five seconds, you will get about 60 percent Bond of Life. But if you wait and consume it after the five-second mark, you’ll get 130 percent from each Bond of Life. The maximum it can go up to is 165 percent for just the base kit. This is one of those handy Genshin Impact Arleechino tips for defeating single-target bosses.

Bonus Tip: Arleechino’s Artifacts Are Tricky To Build
The last thing you need to understand is that Arleechino’s artifacts are difficult as compared to other DPS units. That’s mainly due to the high amount of ATK she needs to make use of one of her passives that gives you up to 20 percent extra RES if you get 3,000 ATK.

Genshin Impact is available on Android, iOS, PlayStation, and Windows. For more informative guides, stay posted to RetroNoob.