Dead by Daylight Update 7.3.1: Haunted by Daylight

Dead by Daylight update 7.3.1 has arrived, and here are all the changes and improvements mentioned in the patch notes. The Halloween even for Dead by Daylight is here, along with a bunch of rewards for the in-game event, some fixes to trapper, bots, cenobite, an addition to the skull merchant, and more. Here is the complete list of Dead by Daylight patch notes for update 7.3.1:

Dead by Daylight Update 7.3.1 Patch Notes

Dead by Daylight update 7.3.1


The Trapper

  • The Trapper’s Bear Traps now spawn close to each Generator at the beginning of a Trial.

The Skull Merchant

  • Added unique prompts to differentiate which direction a Drone will rotate in.

Haunted by Daylight

  • “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event (starts October 18th 2PM ET).
  • The Archives
    • “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event tome (opens October 18th 2PM ET).
  • Event Gameplay Details screen
    • The event popup has a new tab where you can view details of the event gameplay.
  • Event Currency
    • Haunted by Daylight introduces a new reward, Dark Trinkets, an exclusive currency for Halloween events.
    • Dark Trinkets are earned by completing challenges and levels within the Haunted by Daylight event tome.
    • Spend Dark Trinkets on cosmetics and charms within the event’s Collection screen.
  • Collection Milestone Rewards
    • Milestone Rewards are a set of rewards that you unlock simply by unlocking event collection rewards. Earn all event cosmetics to unlock them all!

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the “Falling Darkness” Master Challenge can be completed after the first activation of the Nightfall.
  • Fixed a visual issue when playing animatics on screen with an aspect ratio other then 16:9.
  • All skill check related Challenges and Master Challenges no longer gain progress while wiggling out of the Killer grasp.

Anti Face-camp

  • The anti face-camp UI is no longer visible when the last Survivor alive is hooked.
  • The anti face-camp meter is now colored when filling up.
  • Hooked Survivors no longer count when calculating the rate at which the anti face-camp meter fills up.
  • The audio cue when the anti face-camp meter is full properly plays for spectators.
  • The Struggle skill checks will now properly show up when the Unhook Self interaction is started during a Struggle skill check and then stopped midway.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp feature to not fill the meter when the Killer was standing above certain basements.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp meter to stop filling when the Killer was slightly higher than the hooked Survivor.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp to not have an audio cue when the meter is filled while spectating.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the found match SFX to not being played.


  • Bots now avoid short loops created by a one-way ramp.


  • Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder string to appear when The Skull Merchant targets a Drone to change its rotation direction.
  • Fixed various localization issues in various Skull Merchant Add-ons.
  • Fixed an issue with The Skull Merchant Geographical Readout Add-on to prevent the Add-on stacking with itself and removed the kill switch allowing the Add-on to be selected again.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors from playing the correct animation when using Blast Mine or Wiretap on a Generator.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Drone to be missing in The Skull Merchant’s hand when using Killer Power.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon’s hand to clip into the Killer’s camera view while carrying a Survivor and looking down.
  • Survivors can no longer instantly free trapped allies from the Trapper’s Bear Trap when it is placed on a staircase.
  • Skull Merchant’s Drones recalled when rotating counter-clockwise now rotate clockwise when placed again.
  • EDIT: Fixed an issue that cased The Cenobite to be unable to use his Killer Power after solving the Lament Configuration.


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be able to climb a vault, instead of jumping on it, on the Nostromo’s wreckage.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the perk Background Player to activate when performing rushed actions without moving.


  • Friends from other platforms are now correctly visible in the Friends Menu.


  • In the Archives the “Unlock Tiers” functionality was still accessible by Gamepad even if the button was not visible.
  • Fixed an issue when collecting a mystery box as the last node didn’t reveal the mystery item collected.
  • Fixed a rare issue in the Lobby where the player’s wallet could be seen duplicated.
  • Fixed an issue with the Match Found SFX not playing anymore.
  • The day and night cycle is now visible on the survivor portraits when playing as The Dredge.


  • Fixed an issue that caused missing a Brand New Part skill check to disable Generator passive regression.
  • Fixed older Event Cosmetics (such as Frosty Eyes) missing from players’ inventories.

Known Issues

  • When The Oni goes through an open Unstable Rift teleporter, parts of its character model will become visible and clip through the camera.
  • When completing a Trial as either Survivor or Killer the tally screen does not show the expected result.

Dead by Daylight update 7.3.1 is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X, Nintendo Switch, Mobile, and PC. For more information on future Dead by Daylight patch notes, head over to the Dead by Daylight official forums.

Valorant recently got an update where they changed a bit of how the smokes work, and the pros are not happy with the change. For more information on the change, check out the patch notes here.