Best Sevagoth prime build Sevagoth prime warframe

The Ultimate Warframe Sevagoth Prime Build

Sevagoth Prime has arrived in Warframe, and if you’re ready to power him up in developers Digital Extremes’ free-to-play RPG, it’s time to prepare those Formas. The best Sevagoth Prime build makes him a formidable force, but be mindful of Eximus units, Nullifiers, and Acolytes. With proper timing and weapon choice, you’ll be able to handle these threats easily. Like our other build guides for games like Dungeonborne or Once Human, we’ll help you build the best Sevagoth Prime.

Our Sevagoth Prime Warframe guide will help you create the best Sevagoth Prime build to take on Steel Path and beyond.

How to Get Sevagoth Prime Warframe

Best Sevagoth prime build Sevagoth prime warframe
Image Source: Digital Extremes

Before diving into the best Sevagoth Prime build, let’s talk about how to get him. You’ll need to farm specific Relics to obtain Sevagoth Prime’s parts unless you prefer buying him with Platinum.

Here’s where you can find each part:

Sevagoth Prime PartCorresponding Relic
Sevagoth BlueprintNeo A13
Sevagoth Chassis BlueprintAxi S17
Sevagoth Systems BlueprintLith C12
Sevagoth Neuroptics BlueprintMeso A7

Among these, the Axi S17 Relic is the rarest, so stock up on those. If farming isn’t your thing, you can trade for the full Sevagoth Prime set on Warframe market. Prices currently hover around 140+ Platinum, but they may drop as more players farm for him.

Now that you have Sevagoth Prime, let’s get into the best build for him.

Best Sevagoth Prime Build in Warframe

Best Sevagoth prime build Sevagoth prime warframe
Image Source: Digital Extremes

Here’s a detailed look at the best mods to use for your Sevagoth Prime build:

Mod NameEffectAlternative
Brief Respite (Aura)Squad converts 150% of Energy spent to Shields while Overshields are inactiveGrowing Power if you use Rolling Guard or Adaptation
Primed Sure Footed+100% Chance to Resist KnockdownCunning Drift
Primed Continuity+55% Ability DurationRegular Continuity (weaker)
Primed Flow+185% Energy MaxRegular Flow (weaker)
Catalyzing Shieldsx0.20 Max Shield Capacity; 1.33s Full Shield Gate immunity durationRolling Guard or Adaptation
Shadow HazeReap Augment: Increase Critical Chance by 50% on enemies with Death HarvestNone, you need this to sustain DPS
Dark PropagationSow Augment: Enemies killed with Sow spread its effect in a 15m radiusNone, you need this to sustain DPS
Transient Fortitude+55% Ability Strength; -27.5% Ability DurationBlind Rage if you can manage higher Energy drain
Stretch+45% Ability RangeNone
EquilibriumHealth pickups give +110% Energy, Energy pickups give +110% HealthStreamline if using Blind Rage instead of Transient Fortitude

This setup usually requires around 2-4 Formas, but Sevagoth Prime’s polarized slots help reduce the need for more. You might also consider using Streamline instead of Equilibrium, especially if you don’t use Blind Rage, but be aware that Equilibrium can be costly.

To make up for any shortcomings, use Amber Archon Shards to balance things out, as Sevagoth Prime can be quite energy-hungry.

Arcanes for the Best Sevagoth Prime Build

To make this Sevagoth Prime build even more effective, you’ll want to add the right Arcanes. Here are the recommended ones:

  • Molt Augmented: This boosts Ability Strength and is essential for this build.
  • Arcane Reaper: This is flexible; you can switch it out with Arcane Guardian, Energize, or Strike depending on your needs.

Archon Shards for Sevagoth Prime

For this build, the recommended Archon Shards are:

  • 2x Amber Archon Shards: Boost Casting Speed and Energy Orb Efficiency.
  • 2x/3x Crimson Archon Shards: Increase Ability Strength.
  • 1x/2x Azure Archon Shards: Boost Energy Max.

If you use Primed Flow instead of Equilibrium, you might skip the Azure Shards and focus on Ability Strength to ensure your Gloom has a stronger Slow effect, boosting both your survivability and damage.

Playstyle with the Best Sevagoth Prime Build

Sevagoth Prime is a caster and nuker Warframe, so there’s a specific rotation you should follow to maximize his potential:

  1. Cast Gloom (3rd Ability): This slows down enemies.
  2. Cast Sow (2nd Ability): This marks enemies.
  3. Use Reap (1st Ability): This kills the marked enemies.
  4. Build up your Death Well: Use the Sow and Reap combo.
  5. Activate Exalted Shadow (4th Ability): Use the 1st and 3rd Abilities to group and debuff enemies before finishing them in melee mode.
  6. Recharge the Death Well: Repeat steps 2 to 4.
  7. Recast Gloom: Once you reach 250 kills, recast Gloom for a stronger Slow.
  8. Shield-gating: If your shield breaks, use Reap or Sow to refill it and activate Shield-gating.

Now that you’re equipped with the best Sevagoth Prime build, get out there and harvest some souls. For more Warframe-related content, stay tuned to RetroNoob.

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