Stellar Blade and Nier Automata Yoko Taro on Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade And Nier Automata: Yoko Taro Says The Korean Game Is Better

With the release date right around the corner, gamers are already drawing comparison between developers Shift Up’s hotly-anticipated Stellar Blade and Nier Automata. Both action-adventure games feature badass female warriors, however, Nier Automata director Yoko Taro believes the upcoming PlayStation exclusive is “much better” than his game, which is high praise.

Nier Automata director lauded Stellar Blade, but the game’s director, Kim Hyung-tae, holds Nier Automata in higher regard.

stellar blade and nier automatayoko taro on stellar blade
image source: PlatinumGames

Stellar Blade and Nier Automata – Game Directors Share Their Two Cents

In a recent interview with IGN Japan, Yoko Taro expressed admiration for the upcoming PS5 exclusive Stellar Blade, comparing it favorably to his own creation, Nier Automata.

Taro commended Kim Hyung-tae, Stellar Blade‘s director, praising his previous work on the Magna Carta series and acknowledging him as a senior in the industry, even though Taro is much older.

Stellar Blade and Nier AutomataYoko Taro on Stellar Blade
image source: IGN Japan

Yoko Taro on Stellar Blade

Taro went on to shower praises on Stellar Blade, stating,

“Stellar Blade is such an amazing game, I think it’s much better than Nier Automata.”

He specifically highlighted the game’s graphics, noting that they represent a significant leap forward in quality.

However, Kim Hyung-tae remained humble and said that Nier Automata is the inspiration for Stellar Blade. He emphasized Taro’s storytelling prowess, acknowledging his own strength in visuals but admitting his inability to match Taro’s narrative skill.

While Taro credited Stellar Blade‘s achievements in graphics and teamwork, Kim recognized Nier Automata‘s storytelling excellence, expressing doubt about Stellar Blade‘s ability to compete in that regard.

The conversation between the two directors sheds light on their mutual respect and admiration for each other’s work, despite their differing opinions on which game is better. The simple answer is, BOTH!

stellar blade and nier automatayoko taro on stellar blade
image source: Shift Up

Stellar Blade recently released a demo on March 29, receiving positive feedback from players, though the official X account cautioned players to “go easy” on it due to its addictive nature.

As for the future of the Nier series, producer Yosuke Saito affirmed that it would continue as long as Taro remained involved, although both Taro and Saito are currently engaged in a separate project unrelated to Nier.

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