How to fix the buried treasure glitch in fallout 76 Fallout 76 buried treasure glitch

How to Fix the Buried Treasure Glitch in Fallout 76: Explained

Post-apocalyptic survival game, Fallout 76, is enjoying a bit of renaissance thanks to the hit Amazon series. However, the Fallout 76 Buried Treasure glitch is taking away from the enjoyment of the game. Players want to know how to fix the Buried Treasure glitch in Fallout 76. The Buried Treasure glitch is a frustrating bug when you become stuck with an NPC, ruining all progression in this fun side quest.

This glitch typically manifests in two to four locations within the Buried Treasure quest, leaving you stranded at the entrance of a specific area. The pesky bug has troubled a lot of Fallout players, hindering progress in the Buried Treasure quest. But fret not! We’ve got you covered with a guide on how to fix the Fallout 76 Buried Treasure glitch so you can get back to your adventure in Appalachia.

How to Fix the Buried Treasure Glitch in Fallout 76?

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome the Fallout 76 Buried Treasure Glitch and resume your quest. One effective method, as shared by a fellow player named Praxius on Reddit, involves utilizing fast travel:

  1. Fast Travel Outside: When you find yourself stuck with an NPC, initiate fast travel to exit the cave or area where the glitch occurred.
  2. Return and Re-enter: Once outside, return to the entrance of the cave where the NPC got stuck. Re-enter the cave, and if the glitch has reset, you should be able to progress in the quest as usual.

It’s important not to reload the game, as this could reset your progress and require you to restart the quest from the beginning.

How to fix the buried treasure glitch in fallout 76 Fallout 76 buried treasure glitch
Image Source: Bethesda

A Few Other Tricks to Fix Fallout 76 Buried Treasure Glitch

In addition to fast traveling, there are a couple of other tricks you can try to resolve the glitch:

  • Disable and Re-enable Local Map: Temporarily disable the local map for a few seconds, then re-enable it. This action may help reset the glitch and allow you to continue with the quest.
  • Switch Characters: Alternatively, consider switching to a different character. This change can sometimes reset the glitch and enable you to move forward in the quest.

The Buried Treasure glitch in Fallout 76 may be a nuisance, but it’s not something that you can’t fix. By following these simple steps, you can bypass the bug and continue your journey through the wasteland.

Whether it’s fast traveling, hunting Anglers or Deathclaw eggs, or exploring the lore of Vault 76, check out our other guides on RetroNoob.

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