PUBG Update 24.2 Analysis: Everything You Need To Know

PUBG recently got an update, and it brought many changes with it. We will now dive into PUBG update 24.2 analysis to see how the update has shifted the meta, how to implement the changes into your gameplan, and how to manage your reputation level and rank. If you are interested in the raw patch notes, you can check them out here.

PUBG Update 24.2 Major Changes

PUBG update 24.2 analysis

The following are all of the changes made in the update made for balance purposes and from community requests.

PUBG Tactical Gear

  • Why the PUBG Blue Chip Detector was removed

The BCD was abused to the point of no return after update 24.1, where it gained practically zero cooldown and a 50m total range. With this gone, players cannot spam the BCD and have a constant radar location of other enemies.


  • Training mode addition to the game

The training mode will allow players to see where they lack and work on their weaknesses more efficiently, like spay accuracy on target and the hit distribution.

PUBG New Reputation System

The introduction of the reputation system may change how teammates communicate with eachtother. This would encourage players to contribute more to the game as a team in order to get reputation points for the rewards.

BP Rewards

The BP points people get from matches has increased by a lot, which means that in order to get more BP than before, players will have to play fewer matches.

PUBG New Match-Making System And Changes

The new match-making system should further close the gap between the skill level of all the players in the match, and with the new way rank calculation works, it is more likely that players in squads will either stick around until the end even after dying while communicating and helping, afking til the end, or abusing comms. The latter is not too likely since getting muted for abusive communication now carries a heavy penalty for reputation points.

For more information on future updates, general info, and other details of PUBG, make sure to visit PUBG’s official website. If you missed the last update, you can read the patch notes for update 24.1 of PUBG that we covered.

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